Comfortable in your own skin

Happy Saturday to All,

If I haven’t reminded you of late, you are powerful beyond measure.

You are a walking talking expression of unconditional love, peace, serenity, joy, and all the amazing stuff of the Earth and Stars.

We just kinda forget that and walk around as walking wounds, thinking we can’t do shit to make a difference or to live the life we truly want because it’s too hard or too difficult to change or too late for us or whatever other stuff that gets in the way.

Well, why not shift into the being, the star, that you are, or more simply, just allow the true you, your true nature, come forth. The most awesomest version of you that you can be.

Sit with this when you have some time. The true YOU is healthy, whole, abundant, creative, victorious, doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks of them, confident, happy, comfortable with and totally accepts themselves – NOW. Also, kind and caring, and is healed from the old stuff. Even the stuff they didn’t like about themselves. We can be the best version of ourselves if we let it happen. It may take time and that is ok. It is totally worth it. That YOU is here NOW. Exists within, NOW. Not in food or a pill or in someone else. That most wonderful YOU is ready to express through you NOW. All you have to do is let the true YOU come forth. Once you do, all the old just melts away. You will feel freer, more positive and optimistic. It may sound simple, but it is, we are the one’s who complicated it.

When you give this more of a chance to really settle in to your bones, so to speak, it will make more sense. Take charge of your life and be the JOY of Creation that you are. Each one of us in essence are pure JOY. True Worth that is immeasurable. Unconditional Love that can heal this world. If you don’t get this now, you will. Trust. Let yourself feel in the NOW that you are WORTHY of all you are. Feel the feelings of JOY, PEACE and then let yourself – BE IT. It IS YOU. There is no separation. That is an illusion.

It is trippy, but once you get it, it will fill your entire being. You will want more of it and let it grow like a beautiful garden whose magnificence is beyond words. Planting the seed and letting grow, within. It will lovingly dissolve the weeds that just don’t work anymore.

Much love to my fellow expressions of joy, wonder and amazement, love and peace,

Kristin Joy

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