A little reading

We are powerful, energetic beings.  If we focus on how we use the energy and know how it affects others, we can make a positive and uplifting, lasting difference in the world.

Through whatever it is that you do, your energy makes an important contribution to this world.  Don’t forget that.  Use it wisely.  Also remember, don’t compare yourself to others and what they do.  Everyone has their unique gift they give to this life, every day.  That is part of the reading too.  We have to stop comparing ourselves to what is happening with others.  Or how we see others. This lends itself to the purpose of knowing how to use the energy properly and knowing how it affects others.  By comparing, we are putting out the energy of lack where their isn’t any.  It can create doubt.  Bring up fears.  And the cycle continues.  Put the energy to good use.  Know that by creating negative only creates more of the same.  Focus on the highest and best as much as possible.  

Second part is dealing with sharing your gifts and also what comparing has to do with this.  You are very gifted and talented.  Your gifts are intended for you, just as others are meant for them and their life.  It’s all part of a much larger puzzle.  If you are constantly looking outside yourself and how others are better or more gifted, you send an energy out that says you are less than.  Why would you want to do that to yourself? Some can be explained by an unknown fear or doubt coming up about sharing your gifts with the world.  Maybe in a past life you were ridiculed or worse for it and you have great fear or doubts in this life.  In any case, it is time for you to share that good energy and ability.  You are needed in this world, as are your gifts.  More fear and doubt you put out, then others are affected by it as well.  Domino effect.  Keep that in mind.  Take it a day at a time.  Address that fear.  Keep moving. Even if you don’t know how or what to do. Be confident.  Do something.  Go for a walk. Get out of your head.  Try a new approach.  It can be creative.  Take a class you have been wanting to.  Learn a new language.  Listen to some different music.  Write or journal to express your doubts and fear.  Lastly, finish what you start.  That is for someone that will read this.

Trust. Your soul knows the way.

Keep creating and nurture yourself along the way.  Be kind to yourself.  You deserve it.

Much love on this journey.  Remember, you are never alone.

Kristin Joy

Card decks utilized for this reading –

Return of Spirit by Cheryl Lee Harnish

and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue


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1 Response to A little reading

  1. Amy says:

    Thank you Kristin I needed to read this. It hits home with how I feel in this world and what it is I am here for…

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